I Love Eat - תיירות אשדוד

I Love Eat

Sweet’s has cookies in a variety of flavors, milkshakes, ice creams, special crepes, soufflé, knapa, cocktails, light hot drinks and more
In addition there is an option of a photo on the coffee / milkshake!
Everything is handmade on site with the highest quality raw materials the market has to offer.
  • location העצמאות 93, אשדוד
  • location ימי א׳-ה׳:11:30-4:00 , ימי ו׳ וערבי חג: 10:00-15:30 , מוצ״ש: שעה לאחר צאת שבת ועד 4:00
  • location 08-6211269
  • location אתר



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